Who can organize a WoChiPoDa event?

Anyone can organize celebrations of WoChiPoda as long as they adhere to the core idea of children writing poetry themselves in a fun setting.

How can I organize a WoChiPoDa event?

Please refer to this document.

Will I get recognition for organizing/hosting a WoChiPoDa event?

Yes. In your preparations and promotion materials, credit yourself as the event organizer. Also, give credit to the founder of WoChiPoDa, Gloria D. Gonsalves (children fondly call her Auntie Glo), as deemed appropriate.

Additionally, consider other ways to give your event visibility, e.g., sharing or tagging photos on social media platforms. You can write an article to be published and shared on social media platforms.

Do I have to use theme ideas as proposed by WoChiPoDa?

No. Feel free to choose another theme to replace or improvise the idea of fire/lanterns to suit the local environment and participants.

What is the age range for WoChiPoDa participation?

Children of age ten and below.

In what language should the written poems be?

Any language, including those listed on this website, and indigenous languages.

Must I be a poet or teacher to organize an event?

No. We welcome the array of creative minds involved in caring for children, including parents, guardians, caretakers, etc. However, we encourage you to involve or reach out to someone with poetry skills to maximize your event’s impact.

Can I raise funds to host WoChiPoDa event?

Event organizers are requested to seek sponsorship from their networks to cover some or all expenses for the event, e.g., renting a venue, venue set up, poster production, stationery, hospitality, etc. Consequently, any monetary agreement made is the sole responsibility of the organizer and the potential donor alone.

Kindly note that WoChiPoDa is a non-profit initiative. We do not fund events however will contribute where we can.

Is WoChiPoDa essential for child development?

Yes. Poetry can contribute to relevant skills in reading and writing.

How does WoChiPoDa contribute towards global goals?

As one of the literary genres, poetry can contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education. WoChiPoDa as an initiative is one potential tool to contribute towards this global goal. Reading and writing have to co-exist. For children, writing helps them to read, and reading prepares them to write. As such, poetry is a valuable tool that enhances children’s speaking, listening, and communication. You are a child education ambassador by organizing and/or participating in WoChiPoDa events.